Tractors and Farm Implements for Sale in Ghana

Combine Harvester Prices in Ghana

Combine Harvester Prices in Ghana

Agriculture plays a vital role in Ghana’s economy, and the adoption of advanced farming tools like combine harvesters is revolutionizing the sector. These machines combine reaping, threshing, and winnowing into a single process, saving time and labor. If you’re wondering about combine harvester prices in Ghana, understanding the factors influencing these prices and where to […]

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The Environmental Impact of Tractor Farming in Ghana

The Environmental Impact of Tractor Farming in Ghana

The agricultural sector in Ghana is an essential contributor to its economy, employing more than half of the workforce and earning significant foreign exchange for the country. One aspect of the agricultural sector that has been experiencing significant growth is tractor farming. The use of tractors can increase farm productivity and reduce labor costs, making […]

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Tractors and the Green Revolution in Ghana

Tractors and the Green Revolution in Ghana – A Look into the Advancements in Agriculture

Ghana is known for its promising agricultural sector that has the potential to revolutionize the entire economy. Over the years, the government and various stakeholders have embarked on a mission to modernize agriculture by introducing innovative technologies and machinery, including tractors. With the support of companies like Tractors Ghana, this sector is growing at an […]

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Barriers to Technology Adoption in Ghana

Barriers to Technology Adoption in Ghana

The agriculture industry in Ghana is usually believed to have enormous untapped potential. There has been very little improvement in land and labor productivity during the last two decades. Since low productivity is largely to blame for pervasive rural poverty and food insecurity, the possibility to raise productivity is a means to promote more equitable […]

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Mechanization in Ghana

Mechanization in Ghana – Emerging Demand and Alternative Supply Model

There has been consistent economic development in Ghana since the late 1980s, and this expansion has led to both rapid urbanization and expanding alternatives in the country’s rural regions. Ghana’s government has been pushing a market-based agenda throughout this time, and its policies and investments have been unusually nondiscriminatory with regard to the country’s many […]

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Farmers in Ghana

Barriers to Market Access for Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

It is clear that smallholder farmers in Ghana put in long hours. Often, they are forced to labor under the scorching heat and dwindling water supply, using only primitive hand tools and a lack of modern agricultural machinery. They could only have one short growing season. A good harvest would provide for the family’s needs […]

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Smallholder Farmers in Ghana

Smallholder Farmer’s Access to Agriculture Mechanization in Ghana

The goal of agricultural mechanization is to increase food system resilience and resilience by streamlining and speeding up the processes involved in producing, distributing, and using agricultural goods. Mechanization is often only used by big farm holdings due to the substantial initial investment required to purchase agricultural equipment. These big farm holders are investing in […]

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How Mob Apps Help Farmers of Ghana

How Mobile Apps Help Farmers of Ghana to Get Fair Price

Beyond the hard hours, uncertainty, and physical strain, farmers sometimes feel like the weakest link in the chain that connects seeds to tables. The lack of dependable means of transporting crops to market or the financial resources to grow beyond relatively tiny plots of land is a major issue in Ghana. Problems faced by farmers […]

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MF 375 4WD Tractor in Ghana

Massey Ferguson 375 4WD Tractor in Ghana

375 4WD Massey Ferguson tractors in Ghana is unquestionably one of the best farm tractors in its class. Four-wheel drive is standard on this vehicle. The Massey Ferguson 375 4WD tractor, with its wonderful 75 horsepower engine, is not only adaptable and capable of many tasks, but it is also a very effective piece of […]

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Disc Plough in Ghana

Use of Disc Plough in Ghana

Disc Ploughs are a special kind of farm implement in Ghana that was designed to work with the current agricultural practices. Breaking up the dirt, turning it over, mixing it and raising it are some of the functions of these machines. They are capable of operating in a wide range of environments. In addition to […]

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